Data Masking for Db2 on z/OS

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Session title: Data Masking for Db2 on z/OS

Session abstract: This presentation discusses requirements for algorithms that can be used to mask personally identifiable information (PII) in QA and test environments that were populated with production data. We will have a look at how to mask names, postal addresses, e-mail addresses, social security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account details, birthdays, and other pieces of information. We will discuss how to implement the algorithms with respect to constraints in the database and in the applications. Masking algorithms must be designed so that they can run repeatedly with the same results, and must generate plausible data such as street names and ZIP codes that match the city. In addition, we will have a look at possible points in a typical test data management process where data masking can be applied.

Speaker biography: Kai Stroh earned a Computer Science degree from the University of Darmstadt and is a mainframe software developer specializing in DB2 utilities for z/OS. He designs and builds innovative Db2 applications and utilities often working onsite or remotely with UBS’ international clients. He easily navigates his way around Db2 internals and knows how to move data and definitions across Db2 versions, and this includes the unique in-house Db2 subsystems which each have their own little technical adaptations.