Managing, Monitoring, Tuning and Architecting a Db2 for z/OS DDF Workload

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Session title: Managing, Monitoring, Tuning and Architecting a Db2 for z/OS DDF Workload

Session abstract: At a great many Db2 for z/OS sites, applications that utilize the distributed data facility (DDF) comprise the fastest-growing segment of the overall Db2 workload, and such applications are increasingly found to be the very largest workload component – bigger than CICS-Db2, bigger than IMS-Db2, bigger than batch-Db2. These trends make it ever more important to “do DDF right.” How can a Db2 DDF workload be effectively managed? How can DDF activity be monitored and tuned? What does DDF application architecture have to do with efficiency? These and other pertinent questions will be answered in this session.

Speaker biography: Robert Catterall is a Senior Consulting Db2 for z/OS Specialist. He started his IT career with IBM in 1982, and worked throughout the 1990s as a member of the Company’s DB2 for z/OS National Technical Support team. From 2000 to 2007, Robert worked as a database technology strategist for CheckFree (now part of Fiserv). After working for three years as an independent DB2 consultant, he rejoined IBM in 2010. Robert is a past President of IDUG, a member of IDUG’s Speakers Hall of Fame, and was one of IBM’s inaugural Information Champions. He presents frequently at conferences, and blogs about DB2 for z/OS at